Fee for psychotherapy
Individuals: 130 EUR/50 minutes
Couples: 260 EUR/90 minutes und
Families: 260 EUR/90 minutes
Partial reimbursement (cost subsidy) is possible through the health insurance companies!
Cost subsidies per psychotherapy session (Individual session):
OEGK: 33,70 EUR
BVAEB: 48,80 EUR
I am happy to provide more information about the available cost subsidies for couples, family and group sessions upon request.
All prices quoted are gross prices. Psychotherapeutic treatments are exempt from VAT in accordance with § 6 1 Z 19 UstG.
Request an appointment for a first interview by e-mail or phone now!
Fee for coaching
Individuals: 180 EUR/50 minutes
Request an appointment by e-mail or phone now!
Fee for supervision
Individuals: 150 EUR/50 minutes
Organisations | Teams: by agreement
Some organizations cover the costs of supervision for their employees. Ask your employer.
Request an appointment by e-mail or phone now!