My name is Matthias Tschannett and I was born in Salzburg. After living abroad for some time, I have been living and working in Vienna again for several years.
In my free time, I like to be on the move and do sports. Especially in the mountains.
My interest in people and their stories led me through my work in film and television to my current profession as a systemic psychotherapist.
Below you will find more information about my training and my career.
My psychotherapy training
At the ARGE Bildungsmanagement I completed the first part (propaedeutic course) of my training in psychotherapy. The second final part (psychotheraputic specialisation) I am finishing at the Oesterreichische Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer systemische Therapie und systemische Studien (OEAS).
As part of my training I served internships at iwik – ich will – ich kann (Verein zur Verbesserung der Lebensqualitaet), Gruener Kreis (association for the rehabilitation and integration of people with substance use disorders) and SMZ-Ost – Donauspital Wien (neuropsychiatric ward 28).
In addition I completed the diploma course in relational coaching at the IRBW Institute for Relational Consulting and Training.
From September 2019 until October 2020 I worked as a psychotherapist in training under supervision at the psychotherapeutic outpatient-clinic for family therapy at the OEAS. Immediately after this I started working in a joint psychotherapeutic practice.
Since March 2023 I am registered on the list of psychotherapists by the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection.
My career path
My occupational origins are rooted in the film and television industry. I worked on a variety of projects in the creation of content as well as production management. Communication and problem solving were my main responsibilites.
During my attendance at the Vancouver Film School (VFS) and my subsequent job at a Canadian cross-media company as well as my work on numerous film productions domestically as well as abroad, I had the opportunity to travel, to learn about different cultures, and to expand my own boundaries in many new directions.
The interdisciplinary and cross-cultural experiences I gained within that context make up a cornerstone of the foundation of my work as a psychotherapist and life coach.